COVID-19 School Safety Plan
Expectations Academy CPP
2021 Covid-19 School Guidance Checklist
For any in-person class participant:
Prior to students arriving for in-person classes, families will need to have a signed waiver form on file, acknowledging that the family has read and understands the information indicated here in our EA Safety Plan, understands the options of learning available, and gives permission for their child(ren) to attend in-person classes.
Cleaning and disinfection
EA janitorial staff will be provided with appropriate cleaning materials and PPE equipment, as well as, a list of items and areas that are to be sanitized daily. Teachers and Staff members will also be provided with appropriate supplies to do basic cleaning or sanitizing of commonly shared areas periodically throughout the day (between classes, recess, or lunches) when cohorts in an area change. Students will also be allotted time and expected to disinfect/sanitize their individual desk, work space, and cubbies at the end of each class day.
Recess, Breaks & Lunch
Recess time is an important part of the day, as it provides interaction and the opportunity to further develop proper social skills in children. Students will be able to play games together with their cohorts (classmates). However, students will be required to wear masks both indoors and outdoors anytime 6′ social distancing cannot be facilitated. Students will be asked and reminded to wash their hands or sanitize often.
Because masks cannot be worn while eating, the lunch area will have signs guiding students to remain socially distanced while eating. Students will have staggered times or shifts for their lunches in order for adequate spacing and sanitation to take place between lunches.
Small Stable Groups
Class sizes will continue to be small which allows for more physical distancing within the classroom. Families will be given an option as to whether they want their student to participate in classes onsite or virtually online.
For families choosing to participate in on site instruction; their children will become a part of a classroom small stable group. Expectations Academy defines a small stable group as a class that stays together for courses and activities. For EA, we have always already had the following six(6) main small stable group:
Small Stable Group #1: TK and Kindergarten students.
Small Stable Group #2: 1st and 2nd grade students.
Small Stable Group #3: 3rd and 4th grade students.
Small Stable Group #4: 5th and 6th grade students.
Small Stable Group #5: 7th and 8th grade students
Small Stable Group #6: High School students
Small stable groups have their own instruction team, classroom(s), recess, lunch, break, and outdoor educational setting. These small groups remain primarily together the entire time they are on campus for in-person instruction. The school campus provides ample space for multiple indoor and outdoor learning environments across all grade levels. Our small stable group movement schedule provides single small stable group transitions between indoor and outdoor settings. In the event a student needs to transition to another setting outside their normal small stable group and schedule for such purposes as (but not limited to): using the bathroom outside break times, visiting the office, or visiting the designated health care safety officer, student(s) will be required to wear a mask and maintain 6 feet social distance during the transition. As a small school on a large campus, Expectations Academy provides safe, separate options for the small stable group.
Access to Campus
For at least the first half of the year, parent access to the campus will be limited, which means parents will not generally have access to the yard, lunch areas, or classrooms. We know that this is a very difficult change, and we did not make this decision lightly. Since current data shows a higher rate of transmission between those aged 12 and older, we want to do everything we can to protect the health of our students and staff and to continue in-person classes. If a family member tests positive or comes into contact with someone who has, there is less chance of a temporary school closure if that adult has not come onto campus. We know that this is especially difficult for our youngest students whose families wish to see them go to their first day of school, so we will do our best to have our teachers take pictures and maybe even short videos of your child on the first day of school and throughout the year.
Entrance/Exit Procedures, Movement in the School
Parents must arrive early (between 7:30-7:50am) to account for the extra time needed for their child(ren) to pass through the health check process. All parents must remain on site until their child’s temperature is taken and approved. After classroom start times at 8:00am, the secondary health check station in the front office will be open. Please maintain 6 feet social distance while waiting to be checked. After school, (between 2:30-3:00) the primary exit for students in K-4th will be their exterior doors, while the primary exit for those in 5th grade and older students will be the exterior door near the bathrooms.
Face Coverings and other protective gear
Following the CDPH guidelines, teachers must wear a face covering while teaching and on campus. All students will be required to wear face coverings while on school campus with the exception for medical reasons. If a family has a medical exemption for the use of face coverings, those need to be provided to the office secretary. Students will not need to wear a face covering while eating, nor while outside for recess as long as they can maintain 6′ of social distance from their peers. Staff working in food services will wear gloves in addition to face coverings while facilitating students.
Health Screenings for Students and Staff
Staff will be screened at the beginning of each day with touchless temperature checks. At student drop off, students will have touchless temperature checks taken. If either student or staff has a temperature of 100.4° F or higher they will be sent home.
Daily Parent Responsibilities
- Observe child(ren) for signs of illness.
- Remain on campus until child has successfully passed through the health check station
- Provide your child with an appropriate mask
- Have emergency childcare plans in place should your child be unable to attend school due to suspected illness or temporary school closure (distance learning will continue should the campus be temporarily closed)
- If your child is exhibiting symptoms of illness, such as those below, your child will need to remain home until the child has been symptom-free without the aid of medication for at least 24 hours:
– fever
– headache
– sore throat
– diarrhea
– fatigue
– cough
– nausea or vomiting
– congestion or runny nose
– change in sense of smell or taste
– difficulty breathing
We know that these symptoms come up due to a variety of illnesses regularly, and that this could prompt difficulties with work schedules, but this requirement is to protect the health of our staff and students and to help us continue in-person instruction.
- Keep your child home for 14 days (including weekends) if anyone in the family has had recent contact with someone who has tested positive for COVID-19.
- Have correct contact information updated at all times and be available to pick your child up immediately should your child be sent to the office due to showing possible signs of illness at school.
Healthy Hygiene Practices
Signs reminding our older students to wash their hands often will be posted in each classroom and restroom. Younger grades will be instructed to wash their hands at specified times during the day. Hand sanitizer will be available at various locations where space is shared. Teachers will provide instruction on best hygiene practices, including washing hands thoroughly for at least 20 seconds, keeping hands away from the face as much as possible, sneezing/coughing into a tissue, etc.
EA will utilize email as the primary means of communication with staff and families, regarding updates. Notification regarding a positive case on campus will be in the form of an email and a whatsapp broadcast message.
Identification and tracing of contacts
In accordance with the California Department of Public Health guidelines, the following will be the steps taken should a student or staff member develop symptoms or come into contact with someone with a positive case. EA will strive to keep students from feeling embarrassed and will make confidentiality a priority in these situations.
If a student or staff member has COVID-19 symptoms:
- The individual will be sent home.
- Additional sanitizing will be performed in locations visited by the individual.
- Testing will be recommended.
- The school and classroom will remain open
If a student or staff member has close contact with a confirmed COVID-19 case (contact is someone who is less than 6 feet away for more than 15 minutes):
- The individual will be sent home.
- Additional sanitizing will be performed in locations visited by the individual.
- The individual will need to quarantine for 14 days from last exposure.
- Testing will be recommended (but this will not shorten the 14 day period)
- The school and classroom will remain open.
If a student or staff member has a confirmed COVID-19 infection:
- The individual will be sent home.
- Disinfection and cleaning of primary spaces used will be done.
- The individual will remain home for 10 days from the onset of symptoms or test date.
- Identify close contacts for possible quarantine at home for 14 days.
- Testing will be recommended for contacts.
- School community will be notified of a known case.
- Health Department will be notified
- The individual may return to school 24 hours after symptoms have resolved with no medication given, anytime after a 10 day isolation period.
- School will remain open.
Physical Distancing
Students will remain with their small stable group throughout the day. Teachers will be encouraged to conduct class outside, weather permitting as often as desired. If an activity involves singing, the class will be outside and students/staff will continue to use 6 feet social distancing.
Desks will be spaced throughout the classroom 6 feet apart and students will not be seated facing one another to minimize exposure. The procedures of staying within their workspace will be explicitly taught and practiced. Additional tables will be added to allow for further spacing.
Staff Training and Family Education
Prior to the start of school and periodically throughout the school year, EA employees will go through specific training in the following areas: enhanced sanitation procedures, physical distancing guidelines, how COVID-19 is spread, COVID-19 symptoms, procedures to follow when a student or adult becomes sick at school. Families will have access to the above training as well. Students will also be intentionally taught healthy hygiene habits to practice throughout the day school and when at home.
Testing of students and staff
In accordance with health guidelines, EA staff in contact with students will engage in testing quarterly (every 2 months) to ensure staff are not asymptomatic carriers of COVID-19, until further notice is given to the staff. Students will not need to be tested to begin classes, but it will be recommended should symptoms arise or a member of the same household tests positive. Lake Elsinore has set up a testing site at the Storm Stadium where community members can obtain free COVID-tests if unable to obtain one through their doctor. Appointments are required. Click here for more details. https://gettested.
Triggers for switching to distance learning
School closures will occur if there are multiple cases in multiple cohorts or when at least 5% of the total school population are cases within a 14-day period. The length of this closure would be in compliance with the local health department’s guidance, but could extend up to a 14-day period.
Get in Touch
This form is not for enrollment inquiry purposes. For information about enrollment, please see the enrollment inquiry page.