Immunization Information

(The information below is solely for full time enrolled EA Students ONLY. These requirements do not apply to participants who are enrolled in an alternate overhead public or charter school as those schools already possess these records (or waivers) for your child(ren))

Immunization Requirements

The California School Immunization Law requires schools to enforce immunization requirements, maintain immunization records of all children enrolled, and submit reports to the local health department. Under the California School Immunization Law, children are required to receive certain immunizations in order to attend public and private elementary and secondary schools.

Information for Parents

The informational link below is to help parents learn about the required immunizations for school.

For more information about school immunization requirements and resources, please visit the California Department of Public Health’s website at, or contact your local health department or county office of education.

Get in Touch

This form is not for enrollment inquiry purposes. For information about enrollment, please see the enrollment inquiry page.

Basic Contact Form

16275 Grand Ave, Lake Elsinore, CA 92530

(951) 708-9200