Parent Handbook

Expectations Academy Policy and Procedure Handbook for Parents:


The desire of our school is to provide a nurturing, stimulating, and safe environment for your child, and to encourage your child’s intellectual, physical, social, and emotional development. We have created this handbook to contain relative information to answer your questions about the policies, approach to education and daily operation.


Program fees are outlined in the EA Student Fee Schedule, and EA Guest Fee Schedule.  Parents must agree to pay daily if their child is attending as a guest choosing a la carte classes. Students and guests utilizing the full time calendar schedule have the option of; one time pay, once per semester pay, or monthly pay.  A late payment fee of $10 per day will be accrued (including weekend days) if payment is not received on contracted due date. Your child may not return until payment is received in full.  There is a charge of $30 plus any extra fee charged by our bank for returned checks.  

Rates and Attendance

Aside from our EA guests participating in a la carte enrichment segments and days; rates are not based on attendance. If your child is ill, you go on vacation, or you simply choose not to have your child attend classes throughout their academic year, parent’s are still liable for full payment. 

Late Arrival

Students are expected to arrive on campus early daily to ensure their ability to set their personal items down and prepare their work space, as well as participate in morning discussions or announcements.  Arrival on or after 8:30 is considered “late” and will require office check in.  Parents are required to walk in any/all “late” elementary grade students to the office for sign in.  Leaving elementary school students alone to check in is strongly prohibited, and grounds for early termination. Middle and High School age students may check themselves in late.

Late Pick Up

Parents are expected to pick up their children at their assigned classroom door daily upon class completion (2:30). 

In the event you are delayed and we are not notified, we will decide if someone on your emergency list must be called.  There is a late pick up fee of $10 per every 15 minutes or any portion thereof that exceeds 2:45pm.

Drop off and Pick up in the Parking Lot

If you desire to walk your child(ren) into the building, please park in one of our designated spots around the building.  For your convenience we also have a parking loop in the front of the building.  Please be considerate of our students, staff, and neighbors by driving slowly around the building.  Please DO NOT get out of your vehicle when utilizing the parking loop as this can back up the line.  Please also NEVER park along the red curb in the front of the building during regular drop off/pick up hours as this is not only illegal, but also inconsiderate to vehicles that are now forced to maneuver around the blockage any vehicle in this location creates.


School closures are clearly listed yearly on our annual calendar.  For maximum academic growth, we expect that your child will be present frequently for class instruction offered, with appointments and family vacations being scheduled primarily around our listed closure days. We feel it is not only a bad habit for the children, but also a hardship for our staff that have to take extra time to provide catch up instruction upon those students’ return, as well as constantly put together extra work for them to complete at home.

Unexcused Absences

We consider excessive absences to be three(3) or more unexcused (and unplanned) absences in a one month time frame where a doctor’s note does not accompany the student’s return to virtual or in person instruction.  Our contract lists excessive tardiness and absences as justifiable means for termination being implemented.  We feel it is not only a bad habit for the children, but also a hardship for our staff to have to make extra accommodations.

School Holiday Celebrations/Closures

Our calendar indicates our school closure days.  No credit is given for Holidays when the school is closed.  We respect that each family has ways of celebrating their religious beliefs.  However we do acknowledge National Holidays as well as birthdays.  You are welcome to send birthday treats for your child if they would like to share with their class.  Class families are always notified ahead of time when birthdays and/or Holidays will be celebrated in class so parents are given the ability to either have their child participate or “opt out” of participation.

Arrival and Departure Security

A safe and secure environment for your child is of the utmost importance.  For safety reasons, we  are a closed campus. At each class departure, your child will be released at their classroom door, and only to their legal guardian (unless prohibited or restricted by a court order), and/or those listed on your registration paperwork.  Anyone other than the parents must show photo identification before your child is released to them. When you arrive each day, please notify staff of anything important such as if your child  will be leaving early or someone else will be picking them up alternate to their normal arrangements. 

Custody Issues

You must submit any legal documents regarding custody/restraining orders. We must relinquish any child to either parent if there is not legal documentation on file.


Parents should feel free to contact us at any time via email, ( school telephone, (951) 708-9200, via our Office Managers cell (951) 623-0055, or our Director’s Cell (951) 595-9026.  We ask that any quick notifications or time sensitive information be allocated to the Office Manager’s cell phone.  If notification is sent via text message, please await a response to confirm it was received.  

***In order to maintain appropriate supervision and structure during business hours, we ask that any questions you have for us requiring a possible lengthy conversation be scheduled at a designated convenient time alternate from arrival or departure. Please feel comfortable to talk with us about any situation. We don’t want you to wonder about things that we do. We would rather have you ask.  In addition, on occasion when time permits, we will attempt to capture some of your child’s daily special moments on camera.  These will be shared with you via email or text message.

Electronic usage

***“Electronic Device” examples: tablets, chromebooks, laptops, cell phones, and smart watches.

Elementary age students are not permitted to bring in, and keep any electronic devices on their person.  If items are brought, (at this age level) they must be checked in with their teacher or the office staff for the duration of their time with us.  Middle school age students are able to bring in electronic devices, however they are unable to keep them on their person. Their items must be stored in their backpacks inside their lockers for use only during their scheduled breaks or departures outside of the classroom and building.  High school students are permitted to bring their electronic devices on site, however are required to submit them into their own personal clear container for the entire duration of any class they are scheduled to attend. HS Student’s may only retain their devices during scheduled breaks or departures outside of the classroom/building. They may not retain them during desired bathroom breaks

Dress Code

EA bases its dress code upon the desire for a neat, clean, and attractive appearance.  Our goal is to avoid a segmented student body based on distinctive attire.  The dress code policy and requirements are addressed in detail under separate cover.

Weapons and Look-Alike Weapons:

Students are not permitted to bring in items that could be perceived as weapons. A student found in possession of any of the above, anywhere on EA grounds, during EA transportation, at EA-sponsored events , OR visibly posted on a social media site in a manner that could be interpreted as intent for malice or harm will result in an immediate expulsion. Possession of firearms and dangerous weapons on Tk-12th grade educational grounds is a gross violation.  All weapons, look-alike weapons, and explosives are prohibited.  (Including- steak, butter, and pocket knives) Possession of these items at our site is grounds for immediate expulsion without refund.

House Rules

Parents and students are expected to respect the space of other children and treat their peers with kindness while at our site.  Any child that chooses to display behavior contrary to that while on our site will be addressed by staff regardless of parent’s presence.  For this reason, we ask that parents do not linger during drop off and departure times in order to avoid disruption in children’s behavior and set schedules. 

We understand that sometimes conflicts arise between students while at our site.  Likewise, students can inadvertently become victims of others’ cruelty or become instigators of bad behaviors themselves for various reasons while at our site.  Once a staff member is made aware of such instances, these issues are immediately referred to our administration team. A member of the EA administration team will subsequently interview each witness in order to come to a conclusion of responsibility and chosen disciplinary measures.

When parents are notified by the administration team of these problematic scenarios, EA will not release the names of the other students involved.  We understand that your child will most likely opt to divulge that information to you.  However, EA strongly prohibits the retaliation and or instigation of negative behaviors or any perceived bullying from our parents towards other EA students or their families off site or through social media avenues due to private issues that arose while on site at our learning center. 

Furthermore, EA does not permit smoking, alcohol, or the use of foul and cruel language or any outbursts by any of the students and/or their family/friends at any time, anywhere on the premises.  Should you, a family member, or one of your accompanying guests on the premises choose to partake of the above mentioned intolerable behaviors, the violator and their party will be asked to leave the premises immediately.  Afterwards, members of Expectations Academy administration team will meet to discuss exercising our right to immediately terminate the student(s) enrollment who was affiliated with the violator due to threatening behaviors that other EA enrolled students and/or parents and guests were subjected to witnessing on site during the violators presence or outburst, and/or off site due to a school related postponed confrontation  If violation of any of the above is discovered, immediate termination will be considered.  If termination is decided upon, no refunds will be given.

Disciplinary Procedures

Necessary discipline measures will initially be carried out in the classroom by the instructor.  If the behavior continues or escalates, the child will be removed from the classroom and the parent will be notified to discuss further disciplinary actions.  ANYTIME behavior is intentionally physical in nature, OR perceived bullying of any type is taking place, the student will be immediately sent to the principal or director’s office. (as we have a zero tolerance policy for bullying and intentional physical altercations) The parent will be contacted by the Principal to come in and discuss the matter. The student will be suspended for one day at the parent’s expense.  No refunds for lost class time will be issued.  If behavior persists, the child could incur detention, community service, or suspensions, leading to expulsion without a refund.

Non Disparagement for Conflict Resolution

If at any time a parent or student becomes dissatisfied with an instructor, a supportive staff member, a member of the administration team, or any aspect with the school for any reason, we request that they immediately convey the issue(s) to the school principal or a member of the administration team via in person or through the anonymous reporting form to have their concern(s) addressed, discussed, and resolved.  As indicated under separate cover, we request aht parents and students not disparage the school in any way through gossip about, or slander through any form of communication with the press, public, clients, or media.

Defacing School Property Protocol

Vandalism, willful, or carless destruction of our property will result in the student being required to restore the property to its previous condition.  If unable to do so, the parent/guardian will agree to absorb costs to restore or replace the item.  

Sick Children

Children should not come (or will need to be picked up) if they have a fever of 99.7 degrees or higher, are vomiting, have a runny nose where the drainage is not completely clear, have a wet or mucus filled cough, diarrhea, pink eye, or any other contagious ailment.  If your child becomes ill while in our care you will be notified of the problem and your child will need to be picked up within one (1) hour of the time you are notified. Your child may only return after being 24 hours symptom free of the illness (WITHOUT THE USE OF FEVER REDUCERS and medication) or after they have started taking an antibiotic. If your child is found to have a communicable disease,  you should notify us as soon as possible so that we can begin the required notification process with the other parents and the local public health officer.


If your child/children need any prescription medication administered during the day, an “Authorization to Administer Medication” must be completed by the parent beforehand. A medication log is included on this form. One form suffices for the entire period the medicine is needed; parents need not complete a new one daily. Prescription medication must be in the original container and labeled with the child’s name, the dosage to be given and directions for what time the medication should be given to the child.  Non-prescription medications that you provide will be administered at the staff’s discretion and must be clearly labeled with the child’s name.  A first aid kit is kept on site and the contents are used/administered in addition when needed at the staff’s discretion.  A notice will be sent home, or you will be contacted immediately if severity requires when our first aid products are utilized.

Accidents and Injuries

If your child has an accident and is injured with a minor injury while in our care we will take care of the injury, wash it, and treat the minor injury according to what is needed.  The circumstances of the accident and injury and the care that was given will be written on a report form and placed in the child’s backpack available at departure, OR you will be contacted by a member of the administration team to relay what transpired and how the wound was treated.  In the event your child has a major accident or injury while in our care we will do everything we know to help your child. Emergency services will be called, the parents and/or other emergency contact will be contacted and you will be given all of the information needed so you can meet us at the destination given by the emergency care workers.  The circumstances of the accident and injury and the care that was given will be written down on an Accident/Incident Report Form and will need to be read and signed by the parent/guardian when the child is released

Classroom Supplies: Items You Need To Provide and Items That Will Be Provided

Required classroom items are outlined under separate cover on our “supply list” form. Students are expected to come adequately supplied daily with these items and all provisions necessary for their academic day.  Failure to come adequately prepared to class repeatedly will result in additional fees being charged to the parent(s).  Parents of students in our TK/Kindergarten room will need to bring 1-2 complete changes of clothes for their child(ren). These students may bring a special toy that would be familiar to them and help them through the day if desired.  However, EA is not responsible for any lost or damaged toys/items. There will be a place provided for your child’s belongings.

Snacks and Lunches

Students are expected to bring a water bottle, snack, and lunch daily.   We do sell some pre-packaged and frozen items during the student’s breaks, however healthier options from home would be more suitable when able. When a student arrives without food, the parent will be contacted, and if need be, we will supply the child with meals that day and generate a bill/tab for the parent to resolve at the end of the day.

Fire/Earthquake Safety

We have a written plan and practice a fire/earthquake drill with the children no less than once a month.

Termination initiated by the School

A child’s enrollment with us may be terminated prematurely without refund for/but not limited to any of the following:

  1. Failure to pay fees in a timely manner.
  2. Consistently late to drop off and/or pick up a child.
  3. Student consistently missing class due to unexcused absences. 
  4. Lack of cooperation with facility policies and “house rules.”
  5. Continued inappropriate or disruptive behavior from the student 
  6. Any inappropriate or disruptive behavior from a parent.
  7. Failure to complete and return required forms.
  8. Violation of non disparagement terms.
  9. Repeat or non reversible dress code and/or bodily accessory code of conduct violations.
  10. If additional staff is needed to meet the special needs of a child, the arrangements will not be made unless the parent/guardian is willing to help make the arrangements and pay the additional cost for that person. 

Termination initiated by The Parent

If you wish to terminate your contract with Expectations Academy and take your child out of our program for any reason, we request that you (the parent/guardian) notify us in writing 30 days prior to your planned withdrawal date. This time span will afford us time to generate final grades, and prepare all separation paperwork. Please understand that enrollment space was planned, prepared, and reserved for your child(ren), therefore the remaining balance owed for your contracted academic session will be charged to your account whether your child is present or absent for the balance of the term. 




Get in Touch

This form is not for enrollment inquiry purposes. For information about enrollment, please see the enrollment inquiry page.

Basic Contact Form

16275 Grand Ave, Lake Elsinore, CA 92530

(951) 708-9200