Student Handbook
TK – 5th Grade Students
Elementary Student/Participant Handbook:
A well-disciplined life is an effective and productive life. EA has the participant’s best interest in mind, and a genuine desire for the development of good character within each child. Compliance to these basic classroom rules, and all EA set forth rules is essential to the maintenance of an orderly classroom and the children’s development.
- Participants are expected to arrive on campus in time to ensure some preparation time is afforded them before their class(es) start.
- Participants are expected to arrive adequately provisioned for their class day with a backpack, writing utensils, paper, and all items required by their instructors, as well as a water bottle, snack, and lunch.
- Participants are expected to maintain a neat and clean work space at all times. Participants that leave behind items at work spaces will be retrieved to return to the location and clean up their belongings.
- Participants are expected to not interrupt class instruction with questions, comments, or side discussions with other participants except when called upon or instructed to do so by their teacher.
- Participants are expected to refrain from disturbing the class with disorderly conduct. Some examples could include but are not limited to; passing notes, inappropriate outbursts or gestures, talking/speaking/laughing during class instruction or independent seat work time, etc. as well as any perceived cruelty or gestures towards others.
- All participants are expected to address staff as Mr./Mrs./Ms./Miss on our campus. We ask parents to set an example for their child(ren) both at home and on our campus by doing the same when speaking to, or about the school personnel when their child and/or our other participants are present.
- Participants are expected to remain in their seats during class unless instructed otherwise by the teacher. Participants are dismissed by their teacher. Participants should be courteous and attentive at all times until the teacher dismisses them.
- Participants are prohibited from writing/coloring on school desks and furniture including defacing any school property. Violation of this standard will result in the participant being required to take their break times to restore the property, or if need be; the parent/guardian being billed to replace any altered items/property due to the violation.
- Participants are expected to refrain from taking any item found on the property that does not belong to them. Items would include school, staff, or other participant’s belongings. A first violation would result in immediate suspension with subsequent violations leading to expulsion. No program refunds will be given.
- Gum chewing is not allowed by our elementary participants on site at any time.
- Participants are expected to refrain from all playful and harmful physical contact with their peers on campus.
- Elementary participants are not permitted to use any electronic devices or cell phones during their class day with us including during their breaks while on campus. If these items are brought into the building, they must be immediately checked in with their teacher or front office staff until dismissal time. Participants found in violation of this rule will incur a one(1) day suspension. The item will be confiscated until a parent comes inside to retrieve it.
- 1st Grade participants and older are prohibited from bringing any personal items, toys, weapons, look alike weapons, or accessories, on site and into their classroom(s) unless previously approved by the instructing teacher. Violation of this policy will result in immediate confiscation of the item by the teacher. Items will be delivered to the office staff for safekeeping until the parent can come inside to retrieve the item(s).
- Participants in possession of lockers will be subject to regular unannounced locker checks. If found with an item the administration deem as inappropriate, parents will be contacted for consideration of suspension or expulsion.
- EA reserves the right to check any participant’s personal possessions, i.e backpacks, bags, purses, etc. at any time a verbal or anonymous complaint is made to an EA staff member.
- Participants are expected to comply with EA set forth dress code policy under separate cover.
- Participants are expected to comply with set forth on site COVID-19 requirements under separate cover to reduce the spread.
- Participants are expected to comply with school non disparagement conflict resolution expectations as set forth under separate cover.
EA has a zero tolerance policy for bullying and intentional physical altercations. ANYTIME harmful/hurtful behavior is intentionally physical in nature, OR perceived bullying of any type is taking place, the participant will be immediately sent to the principal’s office. An interview will be conducted with all participants involved, and any supervising adults/staff that were present. The parent will be contacted with the results of the investigation and expected to come in to discuss the incident with the principal and to sign write up forms. Participants found in violation of our bullying policy will be suspended for one day on their first offense. At a second violation of this nature, the parent will be contacted by EA Principal and up to a three day suspension will be issued. At a third violation of this nature, the participant will be expelled indefinitely. No refunds will be given.
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